Form Receipt Template


1 Min Read

Jun 13, 2023

You've added all of the Steps, created all of Elements and now you're ready to add Templates to FormsPlus. Form Receipt Templates are emails sent to the email addresses supplied by the visitor after they submit the form. 

Heads up!

As of version 2.0, FormsPlus supports excluding Email Elements from Form Receipt Templates.

By default, FormsPlus will send an email receipt to all Email Elements within your form. This can be useful, for instance, when alternate contact information is required. To exclude an Email Element from a Form Receipt Template, simply disable the Include Email in Form Receipt Template option within the Email Element settings.

How do I add user or visitor information to Form Receipt Templates?

All Templates follow the same guidelines. Simply give all of your Elements a name and reference them in your Template like [name]. More details are outlined in our guide.

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