SEO-Rx Page Report

SEO-Rx Page Report

2 Min Read

Jun 12, 2023


The Page Report is where SEO-Rx presents its diagnosis, and prescribes expert advice to improve the SEO of your page.

The Page Report is visible in only in Preview mode. It’s not published, and SEO-Rx adds no code or content to your page.

To see your report:

  • Switch to RapidWeaver’s Preview mode.

  • Scroll to the SEO-Rx stack’s position.

  • Grab a beverage and get ready to dive in.

Anatomy of a Page Report

The Page Report is organized into sections, each focused on a specific part of your page’s SEO:

Summary and SEO Score

An overall “health score” for your page.

Page Indexing Status

Shows whether your page is visible to search engines.

Search Results Preview

A handy preview of how your page looks to Google (and the world).

SEO Recommendations

A detailed list of your page’s SEO symptoms, with prescriptions and advice to get back on track.

Image Alt Tags

An easy way to see (and fix) your alt tags.

Additional suggestions and recommendations

What's next

We’ll walk you through each section of the Page Report. We’ll explain your results and the SEO-Rx recommendations. Just follow the advice, and in no time you and your page will feel S-E-O much better.

And if you’re new to SEO? Well, you’ll be learning a few things along the way.

Still got that beverage? Great. Let’s get started!

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