SEO Score

SEO Score

2 Min Read

Jun 12, 2023


The SEO Score gives you a general idea of your page’s overall SEO condition. After analyzing your page and a number of factors (see below), SEO-Rx assigns a numerical score and corresponding letter grade.

On the Page Report:
Your score is displayed in a chart at the top of the report.

What does SEO-Rx check?

The SEO Score is based on any errors or issues found by SEO-Rx that can impact SEO (tags, structure, images, keywords, and more), plus factors like page load speed that affect the user’s experience.

What does it tell me?

Your page starts with a perfect score of 100, and SEO-Rx deducts points based on the severity of symptoms it finds.

  • High Priority items deduct 5 points (Like missing alt tags or incorrect filenames.)

  • Medium Priority items deduct 3 points (Like multiple H1 tags.)

  • Low Priority items deduct 1 point (Like multi-word filenames.)

You’ll learn about these, and all the other factors SEO-Rx examines, as you progress through the Help sections.

What should I do?

The items affecting your SEO Score will be listed in the SEO Recommendations section of the report, with advice on how to fix each one. Follow the prescriptions and you can get that SEO grade up in no time!

More information:

For a detailed list of the items that affect your SEO Score, see the SEO Scores and Values help topic.

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